Women and our money

Women are the pivotal transforming agents in our society. Women have to have a voice; otherwise the cycle of poverty just keeps growing.
I always find myself saying " I am a creative person and dont have the patience to deal with money". I realised this thinking must change, for in order to become who we are meant to be, we must take charge of our financial lives.
Take this journey with me and if you have a few tips, please share...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Make mine a million $ business.

While checking in on my news subscriptions, as I try to every morning. I ran across this piece of information.

The program began in 2005 by Count Me In, a New York-based operation offering micro loans to startup businesses run by women. Founder and president Nell Merlino was dismayed to learn women-owned businesses were not growing faster or more lucrative in the three decades they have been in the work force. Only 3 percent of 10.4 million women-owned companies achieved or surpassed the $1 million mark. A vast majority, according to Merlino, made $50,000 or under.

Make Mine a Million $ Business is a program of Count Me In for Women’s Economic Independence — and founding partner, OPEN from American Express®. The program provides a combination of money, mentoring, marketing and technology tools that women entrepreneurs need to help grow their businesses from micro to $millions.

What a concept- their goal is to support women in small businesses and encourage them to seek out growth in their business and make a million dollars.

Understandably as a woman in business, support is ever so limited and everyone just thinks it is a hobby. With the demands sometimes of family etc. it almost becomes hopeless to see an end.

The program is full of women from different parts of the business world.

Says one of the awardees “As part of Count Me In, you are the sum of a whole. You are constantly in touch with women who are achieving a lot. It makes you want to make the best of each day.”

Nandini says that her ongoing goal is to live life on her terms. She defines success as “the freedom to make my choices, attain my goals and work toward my dreams—taking my future in my own hands.”

Do check this out. There is a conference in Burbank, California in 2008. I will be attending. It will be like a revival- I am sure.

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