Women and our money

Women are the pivotal transforming agents in our society. Women have to have a voice; otherwise the cycle of poverty just keeps growing.
I always find myself saying " I am a creative person and dont have the patience to deal with money". I realised this thinking must change, for in order to become who we are meant to be, we must take charge of our financial lives.
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Women helping Women - Empowerment Funds

As I sit at my desk and try to think of the number of women in business and those running million dollar businesses, I get stumped.
I wonder at the number of women out there who are brilliant, have brilliant minds but somehow are stuck. I have cinsistently toyed with the idea of setting up a womens fund and have women contrubute to women all over the world, who share a passion and a mind for business. Like a scholarship fund.
My initiative would be aimed at women who can give at the million-dollar level and above but every gift at every level is important.
The hope is to create greater commitment to women and girls and every gift matters. Also, we do want to start getting used to thinking about the word "million." Some women can write a million dollar check, but five hundred women can each write a $200 check.
We can pool our resources! Women all across the socio-economic spectrum are uniting their dollars in women's funds. We are amplifying each other's impact and leveraging each other dollars. But let's all raise our thinking!
We have a chance to create a contagion of meaningful gifts for women and girls. Whatever your level of giving, fund women first. In doing so, we're making history.

Women's funds bring me hope. It is bringing to the foreground a greater chance for peace on earth and the prosperity of all. As donors and activists come together to make funding decision, we sharpen our thinking and our solutions have greater impact. Instead of programs that keep people in a perpetual victim cycle, I see programs being developed that are breaking the cycle of poverty.
Funding women first and raising the bar on our giving makes it all possible.

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